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Types of Plywood: Know Which One to Choose - Wigwamply WhatsApp Floating Button WhatsApp

Types of Plywood: Know Which One to Choose

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There is nothing more dangerous and downgrading for your furniture than termites. Not only do they feed on the ply and make your furniture weak but also destroy the beauty of the homes. Termites have a long history of feeding on furniture as they crawl inside the house through dust and soil particles. A single swarm of termites can easily chew their way inside your expensive furniture and even your doors and windows.

This is where termite proof plywood comes to your rescue. In these modern times, furniture made up of termite proof plywood has become one of the most preferred choices when it comes to refurbishing interiors. As this type of plywood can help you deal with the termite issue once and for all, the demand for anti termite plywood has exceeded especially in recent times. The market has a plethora of plywood brands to choose from, however it is necessary to opt for the one that guarantees to put a stop on termites.

Wigwam anti termite range acts as a wall of defense against these wood eating insects for it is quite difficult to remove them once they have already entered your spaces. With Wigwam plywood by your side, ensure a termite free zone as the range exhibits a high repulsive tendency towards all kinds of borers. The plywood range not only protects your interiors from termites but also is durable and sustainable in nature.

Advantages of using Wigwam’s termite proof plywood for your furniture:

1. Longer furniture life

Anti termite plywood allows you to enjoy rich texture, premium quality and stylish designs for a long time by increasing your furniture’s longevity. If you are one of those people who enjoys having lavish and exclusive furniture at home then it’s a good choice to incorporate the use of termite free plywood for your furnishing.This type of plywood also helps you in maintaining elegance at your place as it protects the furniture from any termite attacks. Enjoy a graceful space which is guarded with Wigwam plywood range.

2. Save time and cost

Unlike termite’s small size, the damage they create is massive one. They are practically invisible and are only noticeable once the furniture is spoiled. This not only harms your furniture but also affects your pocket as it may incur piling costs of repair and replacement. Before reaching on to this stage where you need to spend expenditure and time in order to fix this issue, know that your efforts might go to vain as it is arduous to identify their existence and remove them from the house totally.

Hence, it is advisable that you build a termite free space even before they enter your house. One way you can do it is by opting for anti termite plywood which will be proven as a wise investment and save your precious time and money.

3. Controls moisture within the house

Termite proof plywood also has a great resistance to water. This also means that your home will be protected from moisture content. This feature also helps to retain the quality of your furniture and keep it in good shape for a longer period. This is also beneficial as it gives double protection for your furniture. When there will be zero level of moisture present, there will remain no room for termites.In short, your abode will be a refreshing place that is well ventilated and termite free.

4. Helps in maintaining the elegance

Having anti termite plywood will not only improve the life of your furniture but will also add more charm to your interiors. Moreover, when lamination layers are added to the plywood then the wood ultimately acquires extra protective layers that safeguard it from water, moisture and rain. This is the same case with termite proof plywood as the plywood goes through layers of lamination for it to be termite proof. This way, the plywood gains the strength to withstand attacks from termites and even fight against moisture, fire and viruses.

is uniquely developed using advanced and modern technologies to safeguard your furniture. With all the above mentioned benefits, our plywood is also sustainable which means it is safe for your home as well as the environment. Let your interiors and spaces radiate their true beauty as you bring home a safer and better plywood by Wigwam.

Explore our plywood which is 100% immune to termites here:  https://www.wigwamply.com/

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